What does the Bible say about becoming a Christian? How do people join the body of Christ in the New Testament?

First we must believe that Jesus is the Christ, the Son of God. We regard Jesus, whose life and teaching are given in the four Gospels,
as the prophet whose message we obey, the priest who reconciles God with His people, and the King who is in charge of our lives.

Second we repent of our sinful lives. We are not able to save ourselves through our own efforts. We reject our old sinful, self-centered
behavior, and turn to God for help.

Third we confess that Jesus is the Christ, the Son of God, affirming our faith.

Fourth we submit to be immersed in water. As Peter told the crowd on the Day of Pentecost, when the church began: "Repent, and let
every one of you be baptized in the name of Jesus Christ for the forgiveness of sins, and you shall receive the gift of the Holy Spirit."

When these steps are sincerely taken on the outside, the church has authority to affirm that something has happened on the inside:
the individual has been born again, becoming a child of God, with the Holy Spirit dwelling within. This is the beginning of a new life.

You might notice that these steps don't include a "pray-this-prayer" approach. That's because the pray-this-prayer approach is not .
It is found anywhere in the New Testament. When it comes to salvation, we don't want to offer something man-made. We invite people
to approach God on His terms.

Of course exceptional circumstances sometimes arise when immersion is physically impossible. It's also possible to imagine
circumstances in which a spoken confession is impossible. We are confident that God will bear with those who surrender to him in
imperfect ways through no fault of their own. When exceptional circumstances are not present, the church has no reason to set aside
the examples of the apostles when inviting people into God's kingdom.

Some other congregations have produced some materials that go into this subject in more detail. You are invited to explore them in
greater detail by using the links below. The decision to become a Christian is the most important decision you will ever make. Be sure
to count the cost!